Let’s Travel Solo

By Prachi Agrawal

  ●   09 Oct 18


Travel Tips

Travelling solo is something that is as scary as it is beautiful. It gives you a sense of empowerment and gratitude. When you’re on the road alone, you are forced to make certain decisions, talk to people, and put yourself in situations that you had never dreamed of. It is liberating and gives you ample amount of me time to reflect on yourself while enjoying yourself in a completely new place.

5 Reasons Why You Should Travel Solo

Your freedom begins with you

girl-1357485_1280When you’re on your own in an unfamiliar place, you end up doing a lot of things that you thought you could never do. The realization dawns on you that the limitations that you had put on yourself were stopping you from experiencing so many wonderful things in life. Because no matter whom you’re with, where you are, or what you do, you are not free unless you get comfortable being uncomfortable and doing things beyond your comfort zone.

Be afraid but do it anyway

mountain-2592792_1280Travelling solo makes you understand the importance of being on your own. Let’s face it, nobody can stay with you forever. You are the only permanent companion you will have for the entirety of your life. Like it or not but there will be times when you will have to navigate through life alone. So you better learn to enjoy your own company. I can’t promise that solo travel will make you unafraid of being on your own but it will certainly make you do things despite being afraid. And that is what truly matters in the end.

Awareness of yourself & your surroundings

adventure-1850094_1280When you’re travelling alone, you get a sense of awareness. An awareness that is not only restricted to your surroundings but that goes deeper than that. An awareness that extends to your inner self that you might have been ignoring for various reasons. Being aware of both your surroundings as well as yourself will uplift to a new sense of the world and your place in it.

Believing is everything

evening-1777352_1280Travel solo – you would have no other choice but to believe in yourself and the kindness of other people. Trust me, there’s a lot more kindness and goodness in the world despite what the newspaper headlines make you want to believe in. Travelling solo restores your faith in humanity. You realize that the world is not as bad as you thought.

Appreciate while you still have time

happy-woman-1209728_1280Travel solo – it would help you open up and you would engage with the locals and your surroundings more because there’s no one else to divert your attention. The focus will solely be on yourself and the place where you are. And eventually you will begin to appreciate- the strangers who helped you just out of goodwill, the beauty that the world has to offer you, and most of all yourself. The feeling that “you are enough” will elevate you to a level of happiness that will stay with you because it is not associated with someone else; you are the reason for your happiness.

Don’t think. Just go. The world awaits you. Embrace the world and let it embrace you back.

Prachi Agrawal

A passionate writer with unsatiated love for stars and travelling. She loves writing and performing poetry and when she isn't doing either, you can find her binge watching Korean drama.

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